Dear PHCS Parents and Guardians,
Today, COVID nearly wiped out our bus driver capacity and threatened to shut down our ability to transport students to and from school. We are unlikely to see a resolution to this situation until after the holiday break.
If not for the diligence, commitment, and ingenuity of PHCS staff, this could have been a very different notification. My sincere thanks to everyone who pulled together to keep our school open and continue offering in-person instruction!
Please understand that the fallout from COVID cases has stretched some of our resources to the limit. I am asking for your help; please remind your children to wear their masks properly (not doing so greatly increases the quarantine zone).
Today was an example that even fully vaccinated people can get COVID (they can spread it too). With your help, we can make it to the holiday break without having to return to remote instruction. Help us prevent needlessly sending any Panthers into quarantine over the holidays.
Notifications have been made to the families of those who went into quarantine today; those Panthers will not be out of quarantine before the break.
You will be kept informed of the COVID situation at school.
Thank you, in advance, for doing your part to keep PHCS open.
Dr. Collins