PHCS Athletic Update 5/3/23 Changes to the schedule for today, if you could please pass along to your classes, it would be greatly appreciated!: The Boys Varsity game vs. Chateaugay is rescheduled for 5/18. Practice will be at 6:30 today in the gym. The Girls Varsity game vs. Chateaugay is rescheduled for 5/16. Practice will be at 4:45 today in the gym. Boys Modified baseball will practice at 3:15 today in the gym. Girls Modified softball practice will be at 3:15 today in the gym for PITCHERS AND CATCHERS ONLY.
almost 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
NEW SPORTS UPDATE 5/2/23 The Boys Modified Baseball game today in Madrid has now been canceled.
almost 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
PHCS Athletic Updates 5/2/2023: The Girls Modified Softball game has been postponed for today. Practice TBA. The Boys Modified base ball game is still on, the bus will leave at 3:20. VarsitySsoftball will practice at 3:15. Varsity Baseball will be playing AT SLC with a bus time of 3:00.
almost 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
PHCS Athletic Updates 5/1/2023: The Varsity Softball game scheduled for today is postponed. There will be no practice today. There will be no modified baseball or softball practice today. The Varsity Baseball game scheduled for today is postponed. Varsity baseball will practice at 3:15 in the gyms.
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Parents Group- Class of 2024 If you are interested in being a part of the Class of 2024 Parent Group on Facebook, please join: Thank-you, Class of 2024 Parents
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Congratulations to the Mission Impastable's on their Judges Choice Award and to the Spaghett' About It's for their 2nd place win at the Spaghetti Bridge Competition at Clarkson! Great job, team! You represented us well!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Jock
Mission Impastables
Spaghett’ About It
Congratulations to the Impastable's on their Judges Choice Award and to the Spaghett' About It's for their 2nd place win at the Spaghetti Bridge Competition at Clarkson! Great job, team! You represented us well!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Jock
Mission Impastables
Spaghett’ About It
Kindergarten and second grade reading buddies!! Several sibling partners having fun together 🐾
almost 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
Do you have yard work you need done? Wood stacked? Brush piled? The PHCS Modified Baseball team wants to help you out! We are offering our services on either Friday, May 12th OR Friday 19th, From 3:00-4:45. If you (or someone you know) lives near the school and would like to schedule us to do your work, please: Email Liz White at or call 315-265-4642 and ask for Liz White! *We would have to be able to walk safely to your location from school.
almost 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Yard Work
ATTENTION: The boys modified baseball game for today has been postponed due to weather. There will be no practice today. Practice tomorrow at 3:15. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Sports Schedule changes for 4/24/23: The Varsity Baseball/Softball games vs. St. Regis Falls have been rescheduled for Tuesday 4/25 AT St. Regis Falls. Modified Baseball/Softball will practice inside today from 3:15-4:45. Varsity softball will practice inside at 4:45 Varsity baseball will practice inside at 6:30.
almost 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Spring Open House Grades 7-12:
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
7th and 8th Grade ELA Testing this week:
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Dear PHCS Families, Students in Grades 7th-12th are invited to attend the PHCS Spring Open House on Thursday, April 27th from 6-7:30pm in the PHCS Cafeteria. The Cafeteria will be set up with teachers at tables/stations. You can move about the Cafeteria stopping to visit with current teachers or teachers you have had in the past. Maybe you might even stop and visit with a teacher that you would like to take a class with next school year! This event will be set up like more of an Open House rather than formal parent-teacher conferences. Please keep conversations constructive and positive. That said, if you have any specific concerns after reviewing the 3rd Quarter Reports please don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers to set up a formal conference to discuss academics. Please be aware that you can access the 3rd Quarter grades in SchoolTool at this time. (Contact if you need access). There will be a Guidance Office Table set up on the Red Tiles. Please stop by if you have any scheduling questions, grab a Course Descriptions & Diploma Pathways booklet, or inquire about different pathways your student may have for the future. We hope to see many families at our Spring Open House. If you have younger students at home, the Spring Book Fair will be set up in the Indoor Recess Room, feel free to stop by and browse! Thank-you for your continued support, Principal Thomas
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Quarter 3 Reports have been published in SchoolTool. Please reach out to the Guidance Office if you have any issues logging into SchoolTool to view student progress. You can also reach out to the Guidance Office to request a paper copy of the Quarter 3 Reports. Have a fabulous weekend! Principal Thomas
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Marking Periods for 2022-2023 School Year:
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
marking periods
Grades 3-6 ELA Testing!
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
The April Board of Education Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 18 @ 6:00 pm in the PHCS Cafeteria. Our regularly scheduled April meeting each year has the potential to shift if necessary in order to coincide with the Annual BOCES Board Candidate and Administrative Budget Vote.
almost 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
Dear Parents - URGENT! Our youth 3rd-6th grade baseball program is in jeopardy. We only have 5 boys total - two 3rd graders and four 6th graders. It's hard to believe that we don't have 4th & 5th-grade boys out there that want to play baseball. Please help spread the word. There is still time to sign-up so spread the word. If we don't have numbers and a parent that is willing to help coach by Sunday, we'll have to pull the plug on the travel baseball program. Jeff Yette PARC
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas