March Calendar Of Events: This calendar is a live document and will be updated as needed. Many times if you click the links you will be provided additional information about specific events. We hope to provide a monthly calendar from now until the end of the year to let our PHCS Community know what we are doing during our school day, after school hours, and evening events that the community can take part in. We are eager to welcome our students back tomorrow- Monday, Febrauary 27th; and kick off our 2nd Blood Drive of the school year.
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
It's NOT too late to sign up to donate blood! The PHCS Wellness Committee will host our 2nd Blood Drive this year! Please Join Us in the PHCS GYM tomorrow, 2/27. Community Members are encouraged to donate too!
almost 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Due to continued dangerous road conditions, the Ski Club trip to Titus Mountain today is cancelled.
about 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
Ski Club
Attention All PHCS Families...
about 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
Remote Learning
Attention PHCS Families...
about 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
about 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Our Second Graders enjoyed a very special Valentine's day Breakfast at school today♥
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Please join us in congratulating our FLL Code Panthers robotics team on their Breakthrough award! Well done Code Panthers! "The breakthrough award celebrates a team that made significant progress in their confidence and capability in both the Robot Game and Innovation Project and are a shining example of excellent Core Values. They demonstrate that they understand that what they discover is more important than what they win."
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Jock
team on stage
team on stage 2
team photo
A big thank you to board member, Mr. Yette for giving our robotics team a quick tour of the cool happenings at the CAMP building on Clarkson University's campus.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Jock
Wish our Code Panthers FLL team good luck 🍀 today as we head to competition at Clarkson University!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Jock
code panthers
opening ceremonies
It's National School Counseling Week!
about 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
Jump Rope for Heart 2023! We had a great group of elementary students show up to raise money for the American Heart Association. We are so proud of this group of students for showing us that other people matter!
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Jump Rope for Heart
The Modified Boys Basketball team completed their community service project by hosting a "skills and drills" clinic for grades 5 and 6. Their vision was to give the upcoming students a view into what a day of modified basketball practice looks like. The boys ran the new students through their daily ball skills workout, layups and shooting drills. The team then acted as coaches and referees while the younger students scrimmaged. Looks like we might have some future teachers/coaches on our hands!
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Ball Clinic
about 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
**Please note an event change** PHCS Winter Sports Awards Ceremony MARCH 2, 2023 6:30 p.m. PHCS AUDITORIUM Please join us in celebrating our Winter Athletes: Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball Boys and Girls Modified Basketball Merger Athletes
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Menu Change for Wednesday, February 8th: Chicken Broccoli Alfredo Maple Glazed Carrots Fresh Assorted Fruit Milk Thursday, February 9th: PIZZA Day!
about 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Congratulations to our Code Panthers FTC team on their Judges Choice Award for Perseverance! Go Code Panthers!!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Jock
Team Picture
Team receiving award
Join us in wishing our Code Panthers FTC Robotics team luck today! 🍀
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Jock
Code Panthers FTC 2022-2023
There will be no Boys Modified Basketball game or practice tonight due to the cold temps. The Boys Varsity game will now start at 5:30.
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Help us support PHCS Athletics: Opens: 2/2/2023 Closes: 2/12/2023
about 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas