Due to impending bad weather, the times for the PHCS Girls' and Boys' Varsity Basketball games at Colton-Pierrepont Central School scheduled for tonight, Thursday, January 19, have been changed. The BOYS' game will start at 4:30 pm and the GIRLS' will start at 6:00 pm. The bus will leave school at 3:30 pm.
about 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
Our Third graders are staying warm in PE with Cardio Drumming!
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Buses are in route to pick up our PHCS Students. The building will open at 9:30am. We are operating on a 2-Hour Delay schedule, pictured below. Although ALL BOCES Programs are cancelled for the day, BOCES Students will have required PHCS Classes.
about 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Option One
PHCS is on a 2 -Hour Delay this morning.
about 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
All Paws is cancelled for today (1/17) @ PHCS. Students will be dismissed at 2:30. Please contact the Main Office if we can assist with any transportation requests. Thank-You
about 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
All afterschool activities today (1/17) at PHCS will be cancelled. We will still hold 10th Period and have a 3:10 bus run as normal. All activities after 3:10 are cancelled.
about 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
Inclement Weather
The following email has been sent... Good Morning PHCS Students/Families/Staff: We are preparing for our first Remote Day in lieu of a traditional SNOW Day. Teachers have been working with students on what this will look like. While there may be some flexibility between grade levels in terms of expectations and time on chromebooks, please note: **All Students in Grades 2nd-12th will be required to check-in on Chromebooks promptly at 10am with their first period teacher. **If there are any issues please email your teacher directly, they will be available to work with you. **Students will utilize the GoogleMeet Platform for any synchronous instruction. **The 10am student check-in is how we will generate our daily attendance. **Students in PreK-1st Grade will be marked present if they were in attendance the previous day. Upon completion of an instructional packet attendance can be modified. **We anticipate a maximum of 2-hours of screen time for our students Grades 2nd-6th. **Students in Grades 7-12 will have a combination of virtual check-ins, and asynchronous learning through Google Classroom. We hope our families stay safe and can get outside when the weather allows. Please contact the Main Office 315-265-4642 extension 24406 or 24409 if you have any questions or concerns. Principals are also available by email if phone wait time is lengthy: kjthomas@phcsd.org, kcruikshank@phcsd.org. Warm Wishes, PHCS Administration Please share this link with anyone not receiving our mass texts/emails: https://forms.gle/taaZ3vkX7uDQ6g8LA
about 2 years ago, Katie Jo Thomas
PHCS is shifting to a REMOTE LEARNING TODAY! More information to follow shortly via email to families and students.
about 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
Remote Learning Day
PHCS will start today on a 2-hour delay.
about 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
****Thank-You for your participation. We will complete this survey annually for NYSED.**** To: All Parents/Guardians The New York State Department of Education has instructed schools to collect accurate data regarding digital resource access for New York students to help educators to better serve their students and families. In order to accomplish this, the New York State Education Department is asking parents or guardians to complete a Digital Equity survey (for each student in the family) in grades Kindergarten – Grade12. This survey will provide information on student access to devices and internet access in their places of residence. To assist us in assisting NYSED in this process, please answer each question below and follow any additional instructions provided for submitting or returning the survey. Thank you for your time and cooperation. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpZVMa-MIPVzzjHkI8ImIMBUvEr2aeYEsbbZbPnDWaQuwm4g/viewform?usp=sf_link
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Grade 4,5 and 6 Intramural Basketball is in full swing! We've got a big group of kids showing up to work on their basketball skills! Thank you Coach White for taking care of these awesome ball players.
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Basketball Intramurals
Suny Canton Feb 7th 5-8pm Engineers week Open House RSVP online at www.canton.edu/engineers
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Suny Canton
Suny Canton
Time is ticking! Don't forget to order your PHCS 2022-23 Yearbook. https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/about-yearbooks
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
There is still availability in our Spring 2023 Driver's Education Program. Both PHCS and Out of District students are eligible. If you have any questions call (315) 265-4642 ext24406 or email cjohnston@phcsd.org. If you are interested the form below must be completed: https://forms.gle/bjpuUiPBT4wiAkbF8
about 2 years ago, Chelsea Johnston
This is Student work that is going to the Remington Museum in Ogdensburg for the 39th Annual Elementary Art Exhibit. The opening reception is Saturday, January 21st from 2-4pm. Come out and support our artists!
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
NYSPHSAA says THANK YOU WINTER COACHES! Thank you to our dedicated coaches: Amy Mitchell, Elizabeth White, Devon Euto, Matt White, Rebecca Rose-Hitchens and Alissia Tyo! We appreciate all you do for our athletes!
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
PHCS had a great crew representing us in Elementary Band at the All County Music Festival this past weekend. Thank you to our music teachers and the students for all of their hard work, we are so proud of you!
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
All County
First grade fun waiting for the bus at dismissal time!
about 2 years ago, Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
PHCS has hired an Instructor for Driver's Education for the spring! The class will start on January 30, 2023 and run until June 6, 2023, with weekly Monday lectures at 4:15pm. Driving times will bon either Monday or Tuesdays at 3:15pm or at 5:15pm. Students who do not attend PHCS may also fill out the form to express interest in the program. Below you will find the link to the form. https://forms.gle/Zh7856YYn3FBTjDw9 If you have any questions you can call the Main Office or email guidance@phcsd.org.
about 2 years ago, Chelsea Johnston
Winter Wonderland Semi Formal Dance January 21st, 2023 7pm-10pm Fireman's Field 10$ admission 7th-12th Grade Snacks, soda, water and candy will be sold-$1 "Pizza Pack"- Slice of pizza, chips, candy and a soda-$5 *All proceeds to benefit the Senior Class of 23' and Student Council*
about 2 years ago, Rae Mackey
Winter Dance